Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center (RMADC) 

The Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center serves as the portal for avian information collected by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and our collaborators in the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, and Intermountain West. The Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center also acts as a regional node of the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). Use the data center for current data, results, and materials produced and/or collected by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and our collaborators. This information is available to the public, researchers, land managers and our partners. By sharing what we have learned, we hope to encourage others to join us in bird and habitat conservation.
©Bill Schmoker. Mouse-over pauses rotation. Click on image to see it in another window
Our staff is hard at work adding content and improving the site so please stay tuned!

The tabs at the top of the screen offer the following information:  
Projects: learn what research and monitoring projects the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and its partners are involved with.        
Data Collection: access links to datasheets and field protocols used by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and its partners.      
Databases: view raw data, species accounts, and results from North American databases.  These databases include information on birds breeding in Canada, the United States, and Mexico.      
Explore the Data: run queries and view survey locations, occupancy and density results, and raw count information for surveys conducted by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and its partners.
Reports and Publications: read annual technical reports and other publications produced by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and its partners.
Citizen Science: read about ways that citizens are studying the birds in their area. 
Help: submit a question or comment regarding the Avian Data Center. 


The information presented on this site was obtained with the support of numerous collaborators.  The following organizations have provided funding, in-kind support or aided in field implementation: US Forest Service; US Bureau of Land Management; US Fish and Wildlife Service; US National Park Service; US Department of Defense; Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Northern Great Plains Joint Venture; Playa Lakes Joint Venture; Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Colorado Parks and Wildlife; Hawkwatch International; Point Blue Conservation Science; Jefferson County Open Space; Friends of Dinosaur Ridge; Denver Museum of Nature and Science; Hawk Migration Association of North America; Duane Nelson; Southern Sierra Research Station; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; Avian Science Center; Intermountain Bird Observatory; Great Basin Bird Observatory; Wyoming Natural Diversity Database; Montana Natural Heritage Program; Wyoming Audubon Society; Grand Teton National Park; Badlands National Park; Custer State Park; Arizona Game and Fish Department; Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; New Mexico Game and Fish Department; Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation; Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism; Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Natural Resources Conservation Service; Migratory Bird Program; Farm Service Agency; Audubon Rockies; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; and the World Wildlife Fund. 


Recommended Citation

When citing general information obtained via the RMADC please use: 
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.  (Year accessed).  The Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center.  [web application]. Brighton, CO.  http://adc.rmbo.org.  (Accessed: Date (e.g., March 13, 2012). 

For examples of how to cite datasets and information obtained through the Avian Knowledge Network please refer to the following website:
http://www.avianknowledge.net/content/about/recommended-citation exit disclaimer

2012 Rocky Mountain Observatory