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Urban Landscapes

The West is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. In Colorado, for example, the human population increased 31% between 1990 and 2000. Development has accompanied this growth: the number of Colorado building permits increased 261% from 1990 to 1996. Recent estimates place land development in the state at 43,500 ac (17,600 ha) per year. Natural resources, including bird populations, are under intense pressure from this burgeoning human population. Land developed for housing and associated uses is unsuitable for many bird species, except those that tolerate high levels of human activity and greatly altered habitats. As a result of this rapid growth, some bird species have declined as urbanization has claimed their habitat.

RMBO is exploring ways to mitigate the effects of urbanization in order to make developed areas more "bird-friendly." Avenues that we could pursue include integrating the conservation of birds and their habitats with municipal planning efforts, protecting open space and other urban natural areas, establishing conservation easements, enhancing existing habitat to increase its value to birds, and educating decision-makers and the public about the needs and opportunities for conservation in developed areas.

As part of our ongoing work in this arena, we have compiled a bibliography containing references to scientific and popular articles on birds in urban areas. This bibliography should be useful to researchers and managers working on urban wildlife, especially birds. The most recent version (April 2002) contains over 1100 references. Both Word and WordPerfect versions are available for downloading. This bibliography is updated periodically, as new references are identified.

Urban birds bibliography (Zipped file in Word Perfect 6/7/8 format - 54.1KB)

Urban birds bibliography (Zipped file in MS Word 6/7 format - 61.9KB)

Urban birds bibliography (Text File - 171KB)

For More Information:
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230 Cherry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(970) 482-1707

Copyright 2005 Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. All Rights Reserved.