Other State Plans
RMBO's Monitoring Colorado's Birds
program generated interest for similar plans for other western states. RMBO,
with funding from the Bureau of Land Management, is developing monitoring plans
for the states of New Mexico, Montana, and Wyoming. As monitoring projects in
these states come on-line it will be important that the states cooperate in
monitoring as they share many of the same species.
The plans recognize that different agencies tend to manage or have influence
over certain habitats more than others. This fact drives the monitoring plans
which are also habitat-based and results in a large cooperative effort where
many agencies take-on a few aspects of monitoring. Each cooperating group
accomplishes a part of the plan and benefits greatly from other groups that are
also contributing to the overall statewide tasks.
For More Information:
230 Cherry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(970) 482-1707