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Wetlands: Wetlands Conservation with the Colorado Division of Wildlife and Other Partners

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory's Wetlands Program has been teaming up with the Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) and other conservation partners to integrate and expand wetland-bird conservation in Colorado. Wetlands conservation projects (e.g., habitat protection, enhancement and restoration) have traditionally focused on waterfowl, but current efforts extend the benefits of these projects to additional wetland-dependent bird species. RMBO works closely with the CDOW's Wetlands Program to review wetlands conservation projects and suggest further opportunities to provide benefits to migratory waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, raptors, upland game birds, and songbirds - especially species of conservation concern - throughout the breeding, migration, and winter seasons. We also look for opportunities to provide protection for upland habitats buffering wetlands, as their conservation is often key to the protection of the wetlands themselves. We believe that this integrated approach to bird and wetlands conservation will accomplish more effective and extensive conservation for the wetland-dependent birds of Colorado.

RMBO's Wetlands Program operates within a large framework of conservation efforts and partners, including the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Joint Ventures at the regional levels, the CDOW Wetlands Program at the state level, and Wetland Focus Areas at the community level. RMBO cooperates with these conservation groups in a variety of ways, from serving on the science committee for the Playa Lakes Joint Venture, to reviewing individual wetlands project proposals, to regularly attending meetings of Wetland Focus Area Committees throughout Colorado. We assist each Wetland Focus Area Committee in drafting their implementation plans, project development, and writing grants, including three major North American Wetlands Conservation Act grants. In addition to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, we also participate in regional implementation of the United States Shorebird Conservation Plan, the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan, and Partners in Flight. This allows us to relate our work in Colorado to wetlands conservation efforts at the continental level.

For More Information:
230 Cherry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521

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